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Supporting Healthy Relationships

How To Not Become Another Bad Relationship Statistic

If you’ve watched the news lately, it’s no surprise there are few happy ending stories. However, occasionally we see or hear a story that touches our heart and reminds us that it is possible for life to be okay and safe. Like the news, relationship statistics are very similar to the ongoing tragic headlines of the day. If you take a quick peek at marriage and relationship stats, you’ll very quickly discover stories of separation, divorce, remarriage only to be divorced again. If you are like many couples working towards not wanting to be another statistic and be one of the stories of hope and lifelong love, here are 3 strategies you and your partner can start doing right away: 1. Imagine your relationship is in the News. 2. Admit there is a problem. 3. Get Some Relational Road-Side Assistance.

Imagine Your Relationship Is in The News

Next time you are watching or listening to the news, ask yourself if my marriage was in the news, would it be one of those terrible tragedy stories? Maybe it would be like calmly driving to work and finding yourself having to pull over your vehicle on Crowfoot and your vehicle breaking down and then catching on fire. Now if you’re reading this and thinking your relationship is fine than skip to the third point just to make sure your news story can be one of the happy ending stories that are occasionally shared.   

Admit there is a problem

It takes courage to admit there really is something wrong in your relationship. It takes even more patience and courage to begin discussing with your partner the worries you have regarding your relationship. This is where I find relationships can be similar to someone with an addiction. You or your partner might think everything will be okay when it really isn’t. This is called denial and sadly, I find that’s when many individuals take drastic actions such as yelling, fighting, or even separating. Like addictions, one of the first steps to breaking the cycle of addiction is to first admit you have a problem.    

Get Some Relational Road-Side Assistance

Relationships can be like vehicle maintenance. You have 2 options. You can have regular maintenance and checkups in order to get the full life expectancy out of your vehicle. Or, just keep driving your vehicle for as long as you can and pretend that all of the strange noises and lights blinking on your dashboard are just signs that you can still drive your vehicle for another 6 months or more. Now I didn’t say which is the right choice, because your vehicle could still break down even with regular care. Either way, if you found yourself stuck on the side of the road, this is where some will utilize road side assistance. You just call up for roadside assistance and someone comes and either fixes the problem on the spot or can take it to a repair person to fix your vehicle. Couple’s counselling can be the roadside assistance your relationship or marriage may need if you recognize your relationship is in need of minor or major repairs. Recognizing where the state of you and your loved one are at, admitting your relationship needs support, and having the courage to seek support are 3 ways that can be tomorrow night’s leading story of pain and despair, or, be the special news flash where the announcer informs the listener that you and your spouse have beat the statistical odds of separation and divorce.

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Jeremiah La Follette (MCC, RPC) is a registered professional counsellor who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.

For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult. To set up online counselling (telehealth) (CLICK HERE).

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