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I’ve always been fascinated by the word LOVE. It evokes so much thought and emotion in us when we hear, feel and see those words.

I’m curious what comes to your mind when you see, think and feel that mysterious and powerful word LOVE. Does the word love evoke an emotion of positivity? Maybe  the word love evokes feelings of anger, fear and dread, due the relationship you may be in… or even considering getting out of?

Often times the word LOVE is viewed from an emotional angle, whereas much of the literature on healthy relationships do not even consider the word love to be a primary or even a secondary emotion. Rather, the word LOVE broken down is in fact a verb. In other words, the word LOVE is an action word that is other centered based that must be willfully chosen by the individual.

The consequences of that chosen action verb word called LOVE is then the product of chemicals in our body that eventually translate too thoughts and feelings of various emotions such as happiness and Joy based on our choice to give positively to others.

So, the next time you’re feeling a little grumpy with a loved one, your spouse, or even your boss that is driving you crazy (always remembering it might also be the other way around as well) is to CHOOSE LOVE and make this over popular word what it was intended to be; an action word meant to positively give to others and not to take away negatively.  Another way of looking at this statement is if you are not choosing to actively engage in positive action towards a person whom you’ve been with for a very long time, then it wouldn’t surprise me to hear from you if you indicate you’ve fallen out of love.        

If you are in a situation where you are struggling to choose love in a situation like your marriage, it might be time to consider connecting with a counsellor who can support you and your partner in finding ways to CHOOSE LOVE towards each other and let these positive choices increase hope and joy in your relationship towards each other.

Would you like more information on Jeremiah La Follette (BCC, MCC, RPC) CLICK HERE

Jeremiah La Follette (MCC, RPC) is a registered professional counsellor who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.

For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult. To set up online counselling (telehealth) (CLICK HERE).

Online Counselling, Counselling Calgary, Couples Counselling Calgary, Family Counselling Calgary