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Get Unstuck and Get That Hop Back In Your Step

We can all have days where we have a difficult time rolling out of bed, however, for the rest of the week it’s dealing with daily life routines such as work, looking after the kids, school, hopefully a day or 2 off and yes, even the dreaded chores of laundry, dishes, shopping and cleaning…oh my.    

Life is super busy, and routine is an important part of emotional and mental health maintenance. With a solid routine you can create momentum in your day to get things rolling in your day to get the things done in your life that have to get done. This can include so many things, getting ready for work, school, or even an interview. On days that you have off it’s also important to have a routine, however, generally it’s more laid back and less structured so you can relax and hopefully enjoy your time off.

Now I say “hopefully” you can enjoy your time off because sometimes even if we have an agenda or are having a difficult time getting the day going; even a day off can feel terrible and can decrease our ability to get the day going, and that’s no fun at all. This can be especially true if you are dealing with what may be symptoms of depression (Depressed mood, Lack of interest in enjoyable activities, Lack of energy, Feelings of guilt or worthlessness, Feelings of hopelessness and pessimism, Trouble concentrating, Suicidal thoughts, behaviors or attempts, Restlessness, Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause or doesn’t respond to treatment.)

If you are recognizing your routine might, or is, completely off then I would like to suggest some very easy to apply ideas you can start doing right now.

  1. Get a Visual Calendar or Day timer.

There is an old saying “out of sight, out of mind.” If your techno savvy and you are a master of your online calendar then please move on to the next step. If not, then it might be worth considering having something tangible you can touch and see on a daily basis to help with your momentum and routine.   


  1. Put Good Things In Your Schedule.

It’s super easy to begin feeling overwhelmed with all of the various activities that you might be placing on your schedule. It’s important to remember to place good things that you are looking forward to doing such as going to the park with a friend, going on a walk, baking a cake, calling an old friend, spending time with the family for a game night, or even saving the earth from aliens by using your game controller. By placing the things, we like to do as well as the things we have to do, we can help reinforce our desire to get the chores of life done and relax and enjoy the good things that have been intentionally planned ahead of time.

  1. Pat yourself on the back.

It goes without saying we like rewards. By all means, if you complete your scheduled activities for the day, weekend or throughout the week then it’s important to reward ourselves for a job well done. This can be as simple as a pat on the back, or even a fist pump and saying out loud “YES.”

Now, if you have gone a month and looking back at your schedule you realize you’ve maintained and completed your schedule, then by all means feel free to double reward yourself with something you normally wouldn’t buy, like a special treat, or even allow yourself to actually sleep in without feeling guilty.


Developing healthy daily routines and planned activities can support you to keep up with the mundane and boring tasks of life and also allow us to enjoy the fun things in life even more without having our thoughts and emotions cluttered with guilt ridden things that needed to get done yesterday.

If you are finding you are still getting stuck in a rut and having a difficult time in moving forward in your daily routine, there could possibly be some depression getting in the way of your life and routine. It might be time for you to consider seeking out a qualified counselling therapist…Get unstuck, and get that hop back in your step.

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Jeremiah La Follette (MCC, RPC) is a registered professional counsellor who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.

For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult. To set up online counselling (telehealth) (CLICK HERE).

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