As the concept of Social Isolating in Calgary NW becomes a normal part of our vocabulary, this doesn’t necessarily mean we know how to healthy cope in our separation from society. Some people are already paralyzed and socially isolated due to personal challenges such as depression and anxiety. Others, due to health concerns or requests from the Government of Canada and the Province of Alberta are at home and not necessarily by choice, but out of a social respect to others. Let’s take a quick look a 4 easy tips you can literally start implementing right after you finish reading this blog to support you in your journey of dealing with social isolation.
Tip #1 for Dealing with Social Isolation: Create Heathy Space
Now the statement Create Healthy Space might seem to be a bit of a contradictory statement, however, bear with me. We need to create space in two areas of our lives. The first one being an intentional place for just myself where I choose to reflect, dream, create and contemplate my thoughts and emotions. The 2nd place of space is intentionally spending time with those I am with such as a spouse and children. Now if your single and isolated jump right on down to Tip 3 so you can implement this 2nd type of healthy space in your own life and then go back up to tip #2.
Tip #2 for Dealing with Social Isolation: Keep Mobile
When isolated, one of the biggest challenges is motivation. Without motivation to do something we end up immobile. We have to create mobility in our daily lives, even in social isolation in order to function. The easiest way to create momentum in our lives (although depending on our circumstance this can be much easier said than done) is literally to A. Get up (out of your couch, chair, bed, etc) and B. Take 2 steps forward.
By getting up and taking 2 steps forward you are literally making a choice to create momentum in your life. Even if that’s all the emotional energy you have and then have to go back to lying on the bed it’s still one more step towards making positive forward motion change in your life. Who Knows? If you get up and take 2 steps forward what other next small steps could you take to keep motion going on in your life.
Tip #3 for Dealing with Social Isolation: Stay In Contact With Your Friends and Family
Just because your single and isolated doesn’t mean your completely alone. We are all created for connection and need to have significant contact with people. With technology we have the ability to email, text, call, fax (just kidding), and connect through online video with our friends and loved ones. This can also include co-workers, and even health professionals such as your counselling therapist to deal with any anxiety, depression and even dark suicidal thoughts you may be personally dealing with.
Tip #4 for Dealing with Social Isolation: Go Outside and Take a Breath of fresh Air
Whether you deal with social anxiety in public or online or have been quarantined due to health issues, it’s important to remember you need to get up and outside for some fresh air. Open up the windows into your room to allow some fresh H2O into your lungs and mind. Go out onto your balcony, deck, backyard and just walk around for a bit. Take a brisk walk around the block and actively implement this tip along with the tips given in this blog.
Isolated doesn’t mean just doing nothing and being bored or worrying about tomorrows upcoming dreaded updates from around the world. We can intentionally choose to make daily healthy choices that will affect out mental, physical and emotional state more positively. If, However, you’re finding yourself still paralyzed with fear, not able to get up and even think of dealing with today, or thinking “I’m way to shy and nervous to even start an online conversation”, then it might be time to consider seeing a qualified counselling therapist to begin walking in New Life.
Would you like more information on Jeremiah La Follette (BCC, MCC, RPC) CLICK HERE
Jeremiah La Follette (MCC, RPC) is a registered professional counsellor who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.
For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult to set up online video counselling (telehealth) (CLICK HERE).