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Overcoming Obstacles

How strong are you feeling today to overcome the obstacles in life that have been thrown at you?  There can be many life obstacles such as working through relationship challenges, especially if you have a partner and are are involved with Couples Counselling Calgary.    

In a healthy and safe environment, these life obstacles can be sometimes considered to be healthy stress that causes you to grow…kind of like exercise. However, when way too many life obstacles are thrown our way, it can sometimes be difficult to navigate through the storms of life and too much of this can create what is sometimes known as toxic stress. Toxic stress is not good and is real to many who have been attempting to get unstuck through the past few years of ongoing change, never knowing what life’s curveball is about to be thrown at them. If you are someone who might be realizing the toxic stress of life is getting in the way of moving forward towards New Life, it might be time to consider contacting a qualified clinical counselling therapist Calgary.

Do you have any questions about New Life Counselling? Check out our most Frequently Asked Questions

Jeremiah La Follette (MPCC, RPC) is a Registered Professional Counsellor and Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.

For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult. To set up in-person or online counselling (telehealth) (CLICK HERE).

Online Counselling, Counselling Calgary, Couples Counselling Calgary, Family Counselling Calgary