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How To Grow In Intimacy With Your Partner

In developing Intimacy in our relationships, in order for our relationships to be the best they can be, it’s important to know that many couples are not aware of how to grow intimately with each other. How to develop intimacy may be viewed and practiced very differently than how your partner views, feels and applies intimacy. 

For some individuals, going for coffee, talking about emotions and life makes that person feel connected and close. For others, it’s by doing activities such as hiking, playing pool, and watching sports that makes them feel alive and when done with someone else can help develop intimacy. 

If you are reading this and going that’s totally me and my partner; begin by discussing what are some ways that you can make time to do both quality time and activities together in order to cultivate your relationship towards each other. Be warned however, this is sometimes easier said than done. 

There may be times the activity-based person will need to slow down and actually sit and feel like they’re doing nothing (even though they are doing more than they realize). 

The quality time person will need to occasionally join in on what the other active based person is doing, like watching sports with their partner, even though they can’t stand watching sports (even though they are doing more than they realize).  

The end result is more opportunity to develop intimacy with each other as a couple supporting your goals of maintaining a long-lasting relationship filled with NEW LIFE.

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Jeremiah La Follette (MCC, RPC) is a registered professional counsellor who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.

For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult. To set up online counselling (telehealth) (CLICK HERE).

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