How To Deal With Unspoken Rules In a Marriage

I have personally been using Dr. Les and Leslie Parrott’s material for around 10 years when I counsel couples desiring to be married or already married; and have observed ongoing thriving and successful marriages due to there fantastic content. For relationships looking for counselling Calgary here is an absolutely fantastic video called “How Can My spouse And I understand expectations and Roles In Our Marriage.” This video is especially relevant if you are finding conflict in your relationship due to what is known as unspoken rules. Unspoken Rules are kind of like the Job Description you may have received from your employer when you got hired wherever you are working at, or have worked at. Inevitably, no matter how detailed your job description might be, there are always hidden job expectations from your employer that sometimes get in the way of you enjoying your job. Marriage and relationships are no different so lets watch this super short video on how to deal with unspoken rules in a marriage.

Dr Les and Leslie state “Every person has a list of unspoken rules and unconscious roles that they live by, and these unsaid expectations which can create confusing and potentially dangerous situations in a new marriage. We often even don’t know we’re living by these norms until our spouse begins to break our rules about how life and marriage should go. In this video, we dig into the topic of roles and expectations in marriage, and how to address your own unspoken rules to prevent them from derailing your relationship.”

Would you like more information on Jeremiah La Follette (BCC, MCC, RPC) CLICK HERE

Jeremiah La Follette (MCC, RPC) is a registered professional counsellor who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.

For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult to set up an online video counselling (telehealth) APPOINTMENT (CLICK HERE).