Vaccinations. It’s not a new word, and can be a very polarizing topic of today. However, whether or not you choose to get a vaccination such as the flu shot, one of the covid-19 vaccination shots, or even just having to get regular bloodwork done, there can be a legitimate fear of needles and injections called Trypanophobia. Thankfully, there are many articles and resources available for the fear of needles in order to help you have a better experience when you encounter those sharp pokey objects.
The following links are some recommendations that Alberta Health Services have provided on strategies to support you and any possible fear of needles that you might be dealing with, if you are choosing to get vaccinated and are terrified of needles.
Trypanophobia (fear of needles and injections) is a no fun anxiety that can be supported with healthy coping strategies such as, breathing, relaxation strategies, distraction and even asking about numbing creams before getting vaccinated. These various strategies can support your personal anxieties about needles in order to make ongoing, informed and less stressed choices about your personal health…whatever decision YOU choose to make.
If you are finding even after you have read the resources there is no way those tips and techniques are going to work then maybe it’s time to consider meeting a counselling therapist to support you in dealing with your anxiety and fears of needles.
Check out some of our other relevant resources used in counselling CLICK HERE
Jeremiah La Follette (MCC, RPC) is a registered professional counsellor who has a passion for providing positive results by restoring individual wholeness and healthy relationships.
For more information go to New Life Counselling or call 403-690-8617 for a free 15 minute consult. To set up online counselling (telehealth) (CLICK HERE).
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